
Shipping Method

UPS, FedEx

When can I expect to receive my package?

Usually, orders placed by 2pm EST ship same day and most orders are shipped within 48 hours unless there is a stock-out.

Orders received on Fridays after 2pm EST will ship the following Monday.

Where can I track my order?

Once your order has shipped, you will receive a Shipment Confirmation email. This email will contain your tracking number as well as a link to track your package.

I didn't receive a confirmation email.

We completely understand our customers’ concern when they don’t receive an email confirmation for their order. If you have already checked your spam folder with no luck please, feel free to reach out to our customer service team at _____________ and we can confirm your order for you. We can also verify email address accuracy in order to insure future emails are received!

How is the package labeled when it is shipped?

It will have the person/company that the product is addressed to and our address for returning purposes.

How do I return my order?

To make a return please send an email to

A customer experience representative will reach out to you within 1 to 2 business days with instructions on how to proceed with the return. Once the return process is complete, a full refund will made to your original form of payment or in the case of an exchange, a replacement product will be se t to you.

Refunds may take 5 to 7 business days to post to your bank or credit card.

For more information on our Return policy, please click here.

Do you ship to other countries?

Yes, however, shipping prices will vary based on destination. Additionally, we make a Customs Declaration on the shipping label and packages will clear customs in a normal manner.